Brick is indispensable in construction. Only due to its properties, brick is widely used in construction, even though there are quite a few new materials. The main advantage of a brick is that it saves heat, it is not affected by temperature changes and a variety of weather phenomena. This material is water resistant and very durable. According to the type of use in building structures, brick is divided into building, as well as facing. Building bricks have an uneven outer surface for better bonding with building mixtures. Often such a brick is used for the construction of walls, facades, interior partitions. Building ceramic bricks are used for those types of work that involve further surface finishing. There are two types of building bricks: solid and hollow. Recesses for the production of hollow bricks are made in various shapes, the holes can be through or fill only a certain percentage of the entire body of the brick. Hollow brick is much lighter, it is not so strong, but it has excellent heat-resistant and noise-absorbing properties. It cannot be used, for example, for laying a foundation.
Facing ceramic brick has smooth edges, a certain structure, because it is made for exterior decoration. Facing bricks are available in different colors and shapes. The main advantage of facing brick is its resistance to temperature changes. The brick is made from clay, then it goes through the process of drying and firing, therefore it has such excellent heat resistance. In winter, it is warm in a brick house, and cool in summer, this is the main advantage of this building material.
Huge popularity in the construction industry is acquiring large-format ceramic blocks. Their side faces are corrugated, this is necessary for the effective fastening of the blocks to each other. During the production of large -format blocks, sawdust is added to the clay, since then the process of firing blocks is going on, the sawdust is faded under the influence of high temperature. Micropores are formed in the structure of the block, which provide thermal protection for this material. Sale of ceramic blocks in a huge range is carried out through our website.
The use of ceramic blocks greatly facilitates the construction process. Indeed, in terms of their number, much less is required than a standard brick, and the construction process itself will proceed much faster. It is an environmentally friendly building material. It is widely used for the construction of houses, cottages. Ceramic blocks are lightweight. This makes it possible to use cheaper materials for laying the foundation, so the load on it will be insignificant.
The sale of ceramic bricks is carried out by Brikus. Our experts will advise you exactly what type of building material to choose. They will calculate the material, as well as answer all the questions that arise. You can order the building material you need to the specified place. We work with the largest brick manufacturing plants. One of the popular manufacturers of ceramic blocks, as well as brick, is the Braer factory. You can be one hundred percent of manufactured as manufactured.