Now more and more windows and doors are being installed from modern materials, but if they are strong enough, made of solid wood, then you can save a lot of money by simply repairing them. If you do all the work yourself without involving specialists, then the restoration of windows and doors will cost the homeowner 10-15 times cheaper than buying new ones.
Do-it-yourself window and door restoration
The amount of work and consumption of materials will depend on the condition of the windows and doors depends on their condition. Therefore, before proceeding with the repair, you need to carefully examine them and make a list of everything you need. The process for windows and doors is almost the same, only windows will require outdoor materials. Consider the option when the structures are in a completely neglected state.
one. First, they equip the workplace: remove the curtains, move the furniture, remove the carpet from the floor. Put on protective glasses and gloves.
2. Remove the wings, and it is better to do this only at the expense of the strength of the hands, easily tapping the loops with a chisel.
3. It is advisable to allocate a separate room for restoration or work in a garage or shed.
four. Remove spindle, handles and loops from the wings.
5. Remove the old manner and stacks. Cloves that hold the glass are carefully pulled out with small pliers.
6. Gently take out the glass and fold them in one place.
7. Remove the old paint from the surface of the windows using a building hairdryer. Due to the hot air, the paint becomes softer, swells and it is removed with a small spatula.
eight. Clean and remove rotten areas of wood. After removing the paint, the wood is fucked with sandpaper. Then they clean all dust with a dry brush.
9. Ground wood with a primer penetration and let it dry. How long the soil should dry is written on its label.
ten. Deep scratches, cracks and defects are covered with coarse -grained putty for external work. Let her dry. Putty putty and so primed plucked places. Give the soil to dry.
eleven. Put the wood with finish putty and let it dry completely.
12. The finish putty putty with fine sandpaper and cleaned all the dust.
13. Once again, all the thumbled frames with a deep penetration so that the surface is perfectly flat is primed.
fourteen. The glass is put in order: they clean the old paint with a blade, washed and dried.
fifteen. Glue glasses in their places with silicone sealant. Gently apply material along the border of glazing, so that it does not dirty the glass.
16. Когда герметик схватится, прибивают штапики. They are also planted on a sealant. In the corners they must be cut with a chisel under 45 degrees. Glazing beads must be fixed at the edges and in the center with small carnations, even when they are glued to the sealant.
17. Glue the windows around the perimeter with painting tape and all the wings are painted on one side, let them dry, turn over and paint the other side. At least 2 layers of paint will be required.
eighteen. After a couple of hours they remove the tape, give the paint completely to dry, install accessories. The restoration of the windows is finished on this – they are inserted back into the openings. Window boxes are put in order in the same way as window frames.