Recently, the construction industry of the Russian Federation has been going through difficult times. But as they say, hope dies the last, especially since the analysts of the construction market are quite optimistic. In order to win the market again, and not to remain idle at the time of its rise, most companies already have to look for new ways to develop business. The main task of getting out of this situation was the search for new sources of financing. Freezing most projects, led to the emergence of huge debt obligations, aggravated not by the possibility of financing according to a standard scheme. A good way out of this situation was the barter principle of cooperation. With this scheme, construction companies contractors, upon completion of the project, receive part of the areas of residential and commercial facilities. Subsequently, the contractor can calmly put up to the real estate market, and get the desired profit. This is a good alternative to both sides. Since in this case the developer will not have to freeze the object, and contractors will be able to avoid forced downtime, and, accordingly, unnecessary costs. If we consider the crisis in general, it is difficult not to notice the positive aspects. So, for example, this year was marked by the introduction of completely new technologies in the construction sphere, the main task of which was the possibility of creating energy -saving and rational objects that do not lose their aesthetic qualities. For example, the use of Fachwerk structures will significantly reduce the costs and terms, during the construction of country houses and cottages. The construction of such an object will take 3-4 months, and its price will significantly decrease due to the flexibility of construction decisions. For the construction of multi -storey buildings, in turn, the technology of metal rocks was proposed, which European countries give their preference. The reduction of costs, in the first period of the decline, was the reason for the transition to cheaper products, and as a result, it was greatly affected by the quality. This greatly puzzled both large manufacturers and consumers, and the issue of creating an anti -crisis range of products became quite acute. But, the rapid appearance of new products under the motto “Quality at an affordable price” on the market did not force itself to wait, and it became another plus that seemed, at first sight, a rather difficult, crisis situation. Another option for solving the problem was the transition from the construction of commercial and new residential facilities, to state projects, as well as the repair and reconstruction of housing and communal services. Agree, buying an apartment, in most cases is accompanied by its further repair. And a sharp drop in prices led to the fact that buying an apartment has become more affordable, which means that for those who were going to do this, there was a real chance to save on repairs. But work in this area involves the conditions of strict competition, both in pricing and in the technology itself, requiring high quality and progressive ideas. Thus, we can say that the crisis was a certain filter that forms future leaders of the construction sphere.
The laws of construction jungle – “survive the strongest”!

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